Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. CUNY LC Stephen Colbert and Obscenity Essay

**Visit the website http://revolutionsincommunication.com/law/?page_id=45 (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) to view Stephen Colbert’s comments about President Trump from May 1, 2017 that have considered to be obscene by many. Read the entire page/article on obscenity on the website, and then consider the following media law dilemma:

“What happens when a sharp, possibly obscene comment pierces the thin skin of a sitting president?”

In the summer of 2017, the FCC was faced with complains about Stephen Colbert’s comic monologue on The Tonight Show on May 1, 2017. The FCC had to decide whether or not to impose serious financial penalties for profane or indecent political speech under regulations that apply to over-the-air broadcasting. Typically, FCC regulations don’t apply to print or the web, and usually, don’t apply to cable. Ultimately, the FCC, in applying the obscenity standard from Miller V. California, FCC did not fine Mr. Colbert because his show airs after 10:00 PM, among other reasons.

Discussion Prompt: Read this page and related material and then evaluate the FCC ruling concerning Colbert’s May 1, 2017 broadcast. Do you feel like the organization made the correct decision? Please discuss the inconsistencies in the law discussed on the ethics website. Please be sure to cite your textbook and the Media Ethics website.

Your response should be 1,000 words (at the minimum), and it should adhere to the standards of writing discussed in week one. You must also cite your textbook. Remember that you must also respond to two of your classmates as well.

**YOU MUST INCLUDE TWO ADDITIONAL OUTSIDE SCHOLARLY SOURCES (i.e., academic journal articles, scholarly books or book chapters) to receive full credit. Please also include a reference list.**

**Visit the website http://revolutionsincommunication.com/law/?page_id=45 (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) To view Stephen Colbert’s comments about President Trump from May 1, 2017 that have considered to be obscene by many. Read the entire page/article on obscenity on the website, and then consider the following media law dilemma.

Writing Homework Help

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