Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Secession Was Necessary and Unavoidable in the United States Essay

This essay will ask you to explore the question of whether or not the South needed to secede. You will have the opportunity to read some documents that express the reasons for the South seceding, as well as documents that may indicate that secession was not necessary.

For your essay, you will need to read these documents:
Primary Source: Crittenden Compromise
Primary Source: John Smith Preston on Secession
Primary Source: Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address 1861


In your essay, you need to write at least one page supporting the idea that secession could have been avoided and/or was not necessary. You will then need to write at least one page supporting the idea that secession was necessary and was unavoidable in the minds of some Southerners. You will also need to look through your textbook and include at least two historical events that support each point of view. To be clear, you will write at least one page about secession be avoidable, using the documents and at least two historical events to support this point of view. Then you will write at least one page about secession being unavoidable, using the documents and at least two historical events to support this point of view.

Criteria for Success

You should base your discussion with the information in the course content, though outside research is allowed if needed. DO NOT use Wikipedia as a source. As always, be sure to keep track of where you find your information so that you can provide citations in your final essay. Citations must be formatted according to the MLA guidelines, including both in-text and a final source page. Guidelines for MLA can be found using the Purdue Owl or you can reference the Citation Help.pdf from the Start Here Module of the course.

Essays should be typed in 12-point font with a simple, clean font such as Times New Roman or Arial. Use 1″ inch margins on all sides and double-space the text. Do not use a large heading on the first page and write at least three full, complete pages, but feel free to write more. Make sure you review the Writing Reminders handout prior to submitting your essay. Originality software will be used on this assignment; your essay cannot be above 20% not original. Submit your essay as a Word document.

Successful essays should be carefully organized, with strong thesis statements and specific evidentiary support. Your introduction should include a clear statement of what you will argue in the essay (thesis statements are never questions). The body of the essay will include at least three paragraphs (though you can write more). Conclude by discussing the key conclusion you reached and why (remember not to use the first person in formal academic essays). Be sure to revise and edit carefully. Click here to review the General Essay Guidelines included in your syllabus.

Writing Homework Help

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