Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Manitoba Media Ethics and Obligations Case Study


First, identify your moral claimants using Ross’s duties (Use only the ones relevant
to this case by bullet-listing them and explaining in one or two sentences each to whom you are obligated
and why. Use this information to justify your decision in part 3 if applicable.)
• a promise/contract you made (implied or express)? (Fidelity)
• a wrong you committed that you now have to make up? (Reparation)
• gratitude for something one of the claimants did for you? (Gratitude)
• the merit of the claimants when compared with each other? (Justice)
• your ability to help someone out who can most benefit from your action? (Beneficence)
• your ability to avoid harming anyone unnecessarily? (Non-injury)

PART 2: Next, consider the following:

1. Reasons NOT to use potentially offensive material (you don’t have to write anything about these, just be aware of them and use them in part 3 if applicable.) • To keep your constituents (readers) happy.
• To make you and your publication look “edgy” and “cool.”
• To win prizes at college journalism competitions.
• Because you believe everything is just a matter of taste.

2. Now, ask yourself these questions: (these should be discussed in Part 3.) What is the potential “good” that may be brought about by your action, and is it likely to outweigh the
potential harm that might be done to anyone?
• Will anyone be harmed who could be said to be defenseless?
• To what degree is your choice of alternatives based on your publication’s or your larger
organization’s (university’s) best interests?
• Could an alternative approach accomplish the same goal while mitigating the potential harm done
by offending someone?

PART 3: Render your decision and justify it ethically: (this is the most important part)
After considering the above questions, use your answers to explain your decision—whatever it is— and
why you believe it is the right thing to do. You should incorporate what you discovered in the first two parts
in your discussion.
For example:
• If you think that more students will benefit from the story because the cover piques their curiosity,
that would be an argument to run it as it is.
• Likewise, if you believe that you university’s image may take a hit resulting from your publication,
you might want to mitigate that harm by coming up with an alternative cover.

The bulk of your work should be a well-written essay of about 450 words. Keep in mind, there are no
completely right answers to this case. There are only well-reasoned answers backed up by what
you’ve learned so far in this class. Feel free to reference previous lectures or readings in your
deliberations, as long as they relate to the question. Worthwhile, relevant citations will be rewarded with all
or part of a 5-point extra credit addition to the rubric.

Grading Rubric

PART 1:identify your moral claimants using Ross’s duties. Use only the ones relevant to this case by bullet-listing them and explaining in one or two sentences each to whom you are obligated and why. Use this information to justify your decision in part 3 if applicable.) 20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePART 2: Number 2What is the potential “good” that may be brought about by your action, and is it likely to outweigh the potential harm that might be done to anyone?

Will anyone be harmed who could be said to be defenseless?

To what degree is your choice of alternatives based on your publication’s or your larger organization’s (university’s) best interests?

Could an alternative approach accomplish the same goal while mitigating the potential harm done by offending someone? 30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePART 3: Render your decision and justify it ethicallyThe bulk of your work should be a well-written essay of about 450 words. Keep in mind, there are no completely right answers to this case. There are only well-reasoned answers backed up by what you’ve learned so far in this class. Feel free to reference previous lectures or readings in your deliberations, as long as they relate to the question. 50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEXTRA CREDITWorthwhile, relevant citations will be rewarded with all or part of a 5-point extra credit addition to the rubric.

Need to use class lecture for citation. Here is the link: http://j397mediaethics.weebly.com/ethics-comicslec…

Writing Homework Help

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