Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. TUA Properties and Significance of Planet TOI 540 B Essay

You will compose a 800-1000 word article for Carolina Scientific that reports on a recent scientific finding or study at UNC. Your article should profile a specific researcher or research lab and draw on a recent scientific article that person/lab has published(linked below). Your goal is to provide an interesting report of that research for an audience of UNC community members.


Introduction: In this section, you should orient the readers so that they know what topic will be addressed and why it is important for them to know about. You should define the topic and inform the reader about the approach you are taking. What aspects will be covered, and what aspects will not be covered? Indicate what scholarly or professional conversation you are trying to enter.

Body: Include at least three sections here describing different trends, themes, or approaches relevant to your topic. In each section, do not simply summarize research—build a focused discussion of that topic. Rather than moving through each source one at a time, develop comparisons, contrasts, or similarities between articles or studies.

Conclusion: Summarize the major points of the research, and add a final perspective or conclusion. Here, you should refer back to the question or objective set out in the introduction and to the relationships or patterns you developed in the body section. What is the significance of the research you have reviewed? What problems still need to be solved? What research is still needed?

References: Prepare a list of the sources you have cited in your article. Use the citation format used within the discourse community you have chosen, or, if there is no single accepted format, follow the format from a peer-reviewed journal within that discourse community.




  • Examples of review articles from the Journal of Young Investigators:


Rubric for Carolina Scientific Article

Criteria and Qualities




Introducing the idea:
Research Question

Neither implicit nor explicit reference is made to the topic or purpose of the article.

Readers are aware of the overall problem, challenge, or topic of the article

The topic is introduced, and groundwork is laid as to the direction of the article.

Flow of the review

The summary appears to have no direction, with subtopics appearing disjointed.

There is a basic flow from one section to the next, but not all sections or paragraphs follow in a natural or logical order.

The summary goes from general ideas to specific conclusions. Transitions tie sections together, as well as adjacent paragraphs.

Coverage of content

Major sections of pertinent content have been omitted or greatly run-on. The topic is of little significance to the course.

All major sections of the pertinent content are included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as expected. Significance to the course is evident.

The appropriate content in consideration is covered in depth without being redundant. Sources are cited when specific statements are made. Significance to the research question is clear.

Clarity of writing and writing technique

It is hard to know what the writer is trying to express. Writing is convoluted. Misspelled words, incorrect grammar, and improper punctuation are evident.

Writing is generally clear, but unnecessary words are occasionally used. Meaning is sometimes hidden. Paragraph or sentence structure is too repetitive. Few (3) spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are made.

Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct. The writer incorporates the active voice when appropriate and supports ideas with examples. No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are made.

A synthesis of ideas and application to library media center program

There is no indication the author tried to synthesize the information or make a conclusion based on the literature under review. No application to library media center program is provided.

The author provides concluding remarks that show an analysis and synthesis of ideas occurred. Some of the conclusions, however, were not supported in the body of the report..

The author was able to make succinct and precise conclusions based on the review. Insights into the problem are appropriate. Conclusions are strongly supported in the review.

Proper CSE format

Citation for the article did not follow CSE format and was missing essential information.

Citation for the article did follow CSE format; however; a few (2) errors in essential information were evident.

Citation for the article did follow CSE format. Essential information was accurate and complete.

Writing Homework Help

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