Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Cornell University Meaning of Respect and How It Can Be Measured Discussion Response

Second discussion

Learning Goal: I’m working on a literature discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Watch this video on body language and how to speak with an accent. Write about how you can use it to deliver your speech. Include page numbers.


? Gestures and Body Language If not used properly, gestures and body language can be distracting and detract from the message of your speech. Learn to hone your speaking skills by channeling nervous energy into purposeful movement.www.youtube.com



? THE FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING – I HATE MY ACCENTTHE FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING – I HATE MY ACCENT / I can’t count the times someone has told me they hate their accent. In this video I explain why, and how, you need to get rid of those unhelpful thoughts. I talk you through the process on accepting how you sound, and using it to your advantage. We are all unique, and that’s a wonderful thing! If …www.youtube.com

Requirements: one page

third discussion

What exactly is respect, and how do you measure it?

Can you measure it?

Surveys and research say “yes”, and this week’s assignment offers an example. The final product will be a paper that is: ? 2 – 3 double-spaced, APA formatted pages; and a. Includes at least two (2) references to this week’s materials.

Requirements: 3 full pages

read this book and use as reference, add another two refrences

Business Research Methods (12e)

Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler

McGraw-Hill 2014

ISBN 978-0-07-352150-3

Read Chapter 11: Measurement

Read Chapter 12: Measurement Scales

Discussion response

3 discussion replies business capstone strategies each 200 words and 2 refrences

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.

1- Amazon is a company that is able to set their own prices for multiple brands which depends on the demand of the product. Amazon has their own brand, and is able to set their own pricing, they’re known for having the oligopoly market model. Amazon isn’t considered to be a monopolistic competition market structure because this structure is known to compete against each other but selling products that are different from one another. Monopoly is known as having monopoly power or having the ability to change the price of the good. With thousands of businsses having the right to compete against one another, number of vendors in this market parts a structure of four market structures known as pure competition, monopolistic, oligopoly, and pure monopoly. I decided for my firm I would agree that oligopoly is the right choice for identifying the firm. The two characteristics for the market model is: A few firms produce most or all of the output and large capital requirements or other factors limit the number of firms. The competitive aspect of oligopoly is that every firm that is included in this market structure is consistently looking at any changes being made such as any promotions, production, price change, and any other new development. This is due to wanting to know whether the competition is doing better or worse and how can their company make their brand stand out more. Firms begin to start believing of competitors and this causes them to believe firms maximize profits (Victor & Jihye,2020). . Using a non-price strategy by firms in oligopoly competition is common since firms can become exceedingly competitive in price strategy. Therefore, firms may also decide to compete in another dimension of non-price strategy to soften price competition. Hereafter we refer to this non-price strategy as quality. The firm’s cost function structure considered in this model is in line with the industrial organization literature (Moghadam,2020).

Moghadam, H. M. (2020). Price and non-price competition in an oligopoly: an analysis of relative payoff maximizers. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 30(2), 507-521. http://0634jufmj.mp02.y.http.dx.doi.org.prx-keiser.lirn.net/10.1007/s00191-019-00653-8

Victor, A., & Jihye, J. (2020). Firms’ Beliefs and Learning: Models, Identification, and Empirical Evidence. Review of Industrial Organization, 56(2), 203-235. http://0634jufmj.mp02.y.http.dx.doi.org.prx-keiser.lirn.net/10.1007/s11151-019-09722-5

2- Hello, very good evening Professor and classmates,

The Market Model that makes the best implications for the affirmations that play in the strategic marketing experience best fits Apple Inc. would be the Monopolistic Competition. I believe it best describes the firm if an overall big monopoly wathatch contributes to the accurate representatiothatch gathers more overall implications and software experiences in which competition would gain leverage over Apple. Looking at other marketing models, the monopolistic competition makes Apple a monopoly while adapting an overall success factor to all other markets. Therefore, I firmly believe that if Apple relates or uses the Marketing Model of Monopolistic competition, it will leverage the competition with only their products superior in the software market (Annicchiarico, B., & & Marvasi, 2019).,e

The descriptions of several different models pertain to the adequate levels of gaining more knowledge in the technological side, which gives leverage to the company Apple by having that monopolistic competition over other companies who want to become monopoly but cannot because of Apple’s structure and way of being. The implications which Apple practices are being better than the competition and monopolizing totally over the superior software and innovative technologies companies (Hoof, 2021). With their advancements, it is possible to use this strategic marketing model to be superior to all other competitors. Apple can use this model to its advantage and result in even a stronger brand because of it.

Monopoly competition market analysis states that specific competition uses the validity factors that proclaim Apple’s technological factors. Monopolistic companies will try to overcome those technologies in their products and use them to their advantage (?aszek, & Waszczuk, al el., 2016). When using these tactics accordingly, there will be more excellent assessments of how these competition companies will come together and resolve specific issues. However, when using the competition monopolistic approach, there will be greater credibility when utilizing the monopolistic competition strategy for Apple’s use (Tilzo, & Bykadorov, 2019). The retailing business and revenue sales will continue to flourish while using this strategic marketing model accordingly.


Annicchiarico, B., & Marvasi, E. (2019). Protection for sale under monopolistic competition: Beyond the CES. European Journal of Political Economy, 60, 1. http://0624juefx.mp02.y.http.dx.doi.org.prx-keiser.lirn.net/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2019.06.003

Hoof, S. (2021). Dynamic Monopolistic Competition. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 189(2), 560-577. http://0624juefx.mp02.y.http.dx.doi.org.prx-keiser…

?aszek, J., Olszewski, K., & Waszczuk, J. (2016). Monopolistic Competition and Price Discrimination as a Development Company Strategy in the Primary Housing Market. Critical Housing Analysis, 3(2), 1-12. http://0624juefx.mp02.y.http.dx.doi.org.prx-keiser…

Tilzo, O., & Bykadorov, I. (2019). Retailing Under Monopolistic Competition: A Comparative Analysis. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). http://0624juefx.mp02.y.http.dx.doi.org.prx-keiser.lirn.net/10.1109/OPCS.2019.8880233

3- Only a few firms produce a product in an oligopoly. The assumptions in this scenario are that they have substantial market domination by attempting to differentiate their product as much as possible from the few competitors. Mutual interdependence is the result of this minor competition, which causes their pricing to be dependent on one another (Keat, Young & Erfle, 2013). In other words, a company in an oligopolistic market model should 1. have a big market share 2. have very unique products and 3. The only competitors in the market control the prices.

Microsoft corporation runs an oligopolistic model because the firm only has a few other competitors in the market. For example, the only other company currently known to give Microsoft some competition around its cloud computing technology is Amazon’s cloud technology. It is known that the two companies were in competition to strike a deal with the US department of defense – Microsoft won that contract. Researchers also point out that despite such varied demand in Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), which permits providers to operate in various sections of the price-quality space, the IaaS industry is mostly driven by a small number of providers, namely cloud divisions of technological giants such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Chinese Alibaba and Tencent (Musin, 2021). This corroborates with implications #2 and #3 mentioned above that there are only a few in the market that drive cloud services and market prices.

Implication #1 can be demonstrated by the control that Microsoft and a few others have in the industry. It is reported that AWS by Amazon and Microsoft occupy about 50% of the market in Iaas and Paas. Amazon’s cloud computing although has higher market share, Microsoft Azure continues to gain popularity by providing solutions for corporate and other sectors, while it continues to attract new customers (Sharma, Nigam & Sharma, 2020). Being that these companies are the prime leaders in the cloud market sector, they will continue to break records and bring pioneering differentiated solutions to the market.


Keat, P., Young, P., & Erfle, S. (2013). Managerial Economics (7th ed.). Pearson.

Musin, T. (2021). Estimation of Global Public IaaS market concentration by Linda index. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 114, p. 01014). EDP Sciences.

Sharma, V., Nigam, V., & Sharma, A. K. (2020). Cognitive analysis of deploying web applications on microsoft windows azure and amazon web services in global scenario. Materials Today: Proceedings.

Requirements: –

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