Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Learn Proper Grammar Kings on Writing Question

I’m studying and need help with a English question to help me learn.

Answer the following questions with enough writing to fill up one page!

Reflect upon your own use of grammar. How do you think you rate in terms of grammar? Bad, Fair, Good, Exceptional. Quantify your answer explaining to me WHY you think this is.

Is grammar important? Again, quantify your answer. Please provide examples as to why it is or why it is not important.

Note the following:

King: I tried to give assignments that would teach kids to be specific. I used to repeat “See, then say” half a dozen times a day. So I would often ask them to describe operations that they take for granted. Ask a girl to write a paragraph on how she braids her sister’s hair. Ask a boy to explain a sports rule. These are just basic starting points, where students learn to write on paper what they might tell a friend. It keeps it concrete. If you ask a kid to write on “My Favorite Movie,” you’re opening the door to subjectivity, and hence to a flood of clichés.

To whit: Pick an activity you do often: (i.e. brush your teeth, put gas in your car, wash dishes) and give me a 7 to 10 sentence detailed description of the activity.

Be concrete!! (I want to see, hear, feel, smell and taste what you are describing – metaphorically speaking, of course)

Writing Homework Help

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