Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Has Technology Help to Connect or Isolate People Questions

When audiences can see that you’ve prepared – that you care about their needs and value their time – they’ll want to connect with you and support you, and you’ll get people to adopt your ideas.” – Nancy Duarte

The most important way to show an audience that you value their time is to invest a lot of your own time into preparing for your Persuasive Presentation. Follow the instructions below to help you organize your persuasive presentation ideas. This preparation stage will allow your audience to best connect with your presentation and support your ideas.

Proceed to the “Instructions” section for detailed instructions

Step One – Using Approved Topic: Step One – Using Approved Topic: The first step to identifying a powerful persuasive speech topic is to solicit audience feedback. Check back to the Module 4 Discussion: Persuasive Speech Topics where you posted three possible persuasive speech topics. Which topic was approved by your instructor? Be sure to begin your Persuasive Presentation Outline by using the best fit topic for this assignment.

Step Two – Audience Analysis: Answer the questions below about your approved topic:

  1. Why should the audience care about this topic?
  2. Why should your audience trust your argument about this topic?
  3. Why are you uniquely qualified to present this information to the audience?
  4. How would the audience benefit by adopting your view?

Step Three – Research: Conduct some in-depth research on your approved topic. Find three potential credible sources of information. Provide the following information for all three sources.

  1. Title, author, date, and URL (if using a web source) for all three sources.
  2. Brief one-paragraph summary of source.
  3. How the source supports your argument.
  4. Where you might use the source in the body of your presentation.

Step Four – Creating Your Outline: Develop your Persuasive Presentation Outline. This presentation will be 7-8 minutes. Remember that an outline is different from an essay. An outline uses bullet points and phrases versus complete sentences. Your outline should contain the following elements clearly labeled:

  • Introduction
    • Attention-getter/hook
    • Persuasive argument
    • Short preview of five main points to support your persuasive argument
  • Body
    • Five main points to support your persuasive argument
      • Support for each of these five main points in the form of research, statistics, personal story, examples, testimony, etc. Be sure to alternate between fact and story for each of your five main points to generate interest and engagement
  • Conclusion
    • Brief summary of five main points
    • Restatement of persuasive argument
    • Clincher or final thought

Proceed to the “Submitting Your Work” section for detailed instructions on how to submit your assignment.

To submit your Module 5 – Assignment: Persuasive Presentation Outline, please include a word processor document including all of the above steps.

Module 4 has been attached for your review


Great information in your Steps 1 and 2 for this assignment. Good details in the 10 ideas in the Brainstorm list with great ideas that you found interesting, and the three that you narrowed down to Should offensive language be removed from works of classic literature? Has technology helped to connect or isolate people: and Should people with DUI’s lose their driver’s license? These are excellent ideas Gabriel.
In your Step 2, your information in the prompt questions was well written where you presented the discussion on ‘what side of the argument you will take’; on what information you know about the topic; on what you believe your audience may know about the topic; and in what the experts are saying about the topic was well-written. Good write-up for all three topics.
Good luck on your selection for the upcoming persuasive speech. Any one of these topics will be a great persuasive speech.

Writing Homework Help

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