Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Pollution from An Economic Perspective Rhetorical Analysis Essay

The chosen issue for this assignment is “pollution from an economic perspective.”

Your purpose in this first major assignment is to demonstrate that you can critically analyze public discourse in a sophisticated way. You will show your understanding of rhetorical concepts by explaining how they apply in a visual (or multimodal) argument. Your audience for this assignment is your professor and fellow classmates.

1. Choose a visual argument that is connected to your chosen issue.

This may include a poster, sign, political cartoon, magazine cover, advertisement, t-shirt, etc., and it must be connected to your chosen issue. Pick a text for which you know a majority of the rhetorical situation (where it appeared, when it appeared, the target audience, the author, possible exigence, etc.). Do not just pull something from Google images without knowing about its rhetorical situation.Click here for some examples.

2. Write a 4 – 5 page (double-spaced) paper that analyzes the rhetoric of the visual argument. Please follow this outline and make sure you consider all the questions below.

  • Introduce and briefly discuss your chosen issue.
    • What issue are you researching for the class this semester? 
    • Why are you interested in this? 
    • Why do you think this is an important issue for the class to know about?
      Try to use a few sources to show why this issue is important.
  • Introduce the visual/multimodal argument you have chosen.
    • Include a copy of the visual/multimodal argument and cite it.
    • Who wrote it?
    • What is the genre? 
    • Where was it published?
    • When was it published?
  • Describe the specific exigence of the visual argument.
    • What specific issue or problem was happening in the background? Try to provide some information from research to explain the specific context.
    • How does the exigence of your chosen text connect to Bitzer’s ideas (Links to an external site.) about exigence? 
    • Is this exigence something that the author believes can be modified?
  • Describe the intended audience.
    • Who is the target audience? 
    • What are some characteristics of the intended audience? (Are they high power or low power? What might their values be?) 
    • How does the audience of your chosen text connect to Bitzer’s (Links to an external site.) ideas about a “rhetorical audience?” 
    • Could this audience be considered rhetorical? Why or why not?
  • Describe the different components of the argument.
    • What is the main claim of the argument?
    • How is the argument constructed? Describe any images, parts of a story, colors, contrasting elements. Imagining you are describing/summarizing the argument for someone who cannot see it.
  • Analyze rhetorical appeals and how they may impact the audience’s reception of the argument.
    Please click herefor some ideas about what to look for!

    • In what ways does the text appeal to logos? What kinds of images, graphics, symbols, language, colors, etc. create the appeal? Important: How might this affect the readers and help the writer’s purpose?
    • In what ways does the text appeal to ethos? What kinds of images, graphics, symbols, language, colors, etc. create the appeal? Important: How might this affect the readers and help the writer’s purpose?
    • In what ways does the text appeal to pathos? What kinds of images, graphics, symbols, language, colors, etc. create the appeal? Important: How might this affect the readers and help the writer’s purpose?
  • Analyze the constraints and how they might affect the audience’s reception of the argument.
    • What does Bitzer say (Links to an external site.) about the role of constraints? Show your understanding of this concept and how it can affect the success of an argument?
    • What constraining circumstances influence the author’s response to the subject? How might the author’s individual beliefs, experiences, etc. affect the success of the argument?
    • How might the genre constrain the author’s argument? 
    • What constraining circumstances might limit the readers’ perceptions? 
    • Do these constraints create common ground or drive the reader and author apart? Why?
      Important: As you write, try to be specific about the rhetorical situation of your argument. Consider what you know about the author, audience, context, genre conventions, etc
    • 3. CONCLUSION: Evaluate the text.
    • Overall, do you think the writer achieved their purpose with their audience? 
    • Why or why not?
    • -I have uploaded an example of this type of assignment, so please follow the same format, and answer all questions in the instruction.

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