Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Michigan State University Security in Airports Public Areas Discussion

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

While penetrating security at airports has become more challenging,
our public areas of the airport may remain vulnerable. In relation to
terrorism, what could be done to reduce the risk of these incidents

Please research the question and provide your thoughts by responding
to this discussion post. Your response should be between 250-750 words
and needs to include at least two citations at the end of the post.
Think of your posting in terms of a contribution to a dialogue, not a
writing exercise. This is particularly important since we don’t meet in
person. Therefore, this is one of the few ways we can generate a
dialog. Make your posts clear and pertinent. Offer clarifying examples
for complex and abstract ideas. Don’t be afraid to include open-ended
questions that invite dialogue in your response. Read the other response
posts to help get an idea on what you want to say on the subject. Feel
free to offer evidence supporting the earlier post or your contrasting
point of view and ask challenging, open-ended questions. Where do you
stand on the subject? Support your answer.

Writing Homework Help

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