Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. SJU Grammar Empowering the Language Learner Paper

I’m working on a grammar multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. I would like you to watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na5lzXZKEV0&t=1556s

2. For the first part of your paper, please write an overview where you discuss what we did this semester !

3. For the second part, select one aspect of English Grammar which you loved the most! You should refer to the chapter, to the specific grammatical points and to various videos you watched, and any other relevant information. Describe the specific grammatical construction and discuss how you would present and teach this to your ESL students.

4. For the third part of your paper, comment on the video above and go over some of the most important ideas:)

5. Please post your review/paper on our discussion board. Your paper should be about 1000 words…Please provide references for the sources you use.

Writing Homework Help

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