Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. FIT Melbourne Under the Cultural Analysis of England Paper

Narrative Descriptive Paper: Describe an Event that Presents an Insight into Your Cultural Identity

Main goals: Use as much description and sense-related details as possible through narrating one brief / narrow event (the event should be approximately one hour or less) that presents an insight into your cultural identity. These events do not need to be pivotal or life-changing; instead, focus on showing the reader, through details, the world through your eyes.

Culture: the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social groups. Examples: American, Floridian, ethnic background, extended family, nuclear family, friend group, sports group, hobby, etc.

Important – add as many details and as many sense-related descriptions as possible. When you think you have enough details, add more. Make sure that the reader can visualize each scene, each character, and the actions involved in the scene.

What to avoid: 1. Avoid using the word “you” or referring to the reader 2. Avoid directly explaining what is happening or explaining thoughts – trust the description to tell the story. This can be accomplished through description, dialogue, and using sense-related details. 3. While you can use “I”, use it sparingly. [Instead of writing “I saw the red sparrow,” write “the red sparrow flew past the wooden stool”.]

More information: Good writers, especially while writing a narrative/descriptive paper, make use of showing rather than telling. Use all five senses throughout each paragraph. Think of the following questions: How cold/hot did you feel? What did the room smell like? What sounds were present? How did the material feel against your skin? Because memory is imperfect, embellish details as necessary, as long as it does not change the main theme of the paper.

Remember your goal is to present a picture to the reader. Avoid adding commentary, thoughts, opinions – let the description speak for itself.

Writing Homework Help

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