Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Neumann University Chapter 2 Four Vital Podcasting Concepts Discussion

I’m trying to study for my Writing course and I need some help to understand this question.

Prompts for book review:

Write & record a review of chapters 2&3, and emphasize the following within your review:

Ch.2 & Ch.3 – In Ch.2 the writers list four key podcasting concepts. Reread #1 on this list and, as instructed above, include in your review of Ch.2 the ways in which your podcast “relate[s] to [your potential] audience in some natively podcasting ways, such as including listeners in the process of narrative [or conversational] construction” of the podcast. Keep in mind that this inclusion does not have to be in the form of a literal invitation to the audience– there may be ways that you figuratively invite them to be included. Then, in reference to Ch.3 – Would you consider adding a way to increase inclusion of your audience as it develops, and if so, what might you do to get them involved? How might you try to make this connection and create a feeling of authenticity of engagement with your listeners?

Note that it says “emphasize” the above. So, I’m looking for you to write a review of the chapters, and within that, include a discussion of the points or questions presented in the prompts. If you have questions about this, send me an email, and we’ll talk.

Writing Homework Help

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