Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Harvard University Ethical Dilemma in the Military Research Paper

  • Identify the ethical dilemma, relationship, case, or issue/subject you are studying, and explain why it is significant, both to you and the U.S. national security community writ large.
  • Provide relevant background on your research topic. If any, what have been the prior decisions or ethical baggage that has affected the current reality of the relationship, dilemma, case etc.?  What key constituencies, interests, or stakeholders are involved in your study and how do they weigh in on your subject?   
  • How are ethical considerations present in your chosen topic, and which ethical principles are most at play in your chosen subject? You may shape the analysis of your topic through one or more relevant ethical viewpoints, including, eventually, your own.   
  • Through your analysis, what problems or dilemmas in national security are you uncovering in your research, and how might the situation or condition be remedied? What possible solutions can you recommend to the national security community, or the broader public?
  • Finally, in your conclusion, how can what you have analyzed lead to improved practices, operations etc. in the relevant national security domain you investigated? Assume you are briefing someone senior, and lay out your assessments, conclusions and recommendations to the relevant national security community.

Writing Homework Help

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