Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. CRIJ 4319 TUTEP Street Gangs the Police Department & Unlawful Activities Essay

One of the common policing problems with a common street gang is the juvenile membership within the gang. Due to lack of culpability, society generally believes juveniles should not be processed through the criminal justice system in the same manner. This encourages recruitment of adolescents into a street gang more attractive. Although there are various reasons for someone to join a gang, there are similar social environments that allow for a criminal street gang to thrive. Your research paper will discuss some of the common problems and trends associated with criminal street gangs. In your paper, cover the following issues:

  • Legal issues and other problems the criminal justice system faces in dealing with street gangs;
  • Juvenile issues;
  • Minorities;
  • Compare and contrast at least two criminological theories related to street gangs; and,
  • Current methods of prevention and intervention, to include some promising strategies for the future.

The paper will be formatted and written in APA 6th Edition with a title page and reference page. All research and sources will be cited within the body of the paper with the appropriate use of in-text citations. The paper will be no less than 1500 words and have a minimum of 6 academic quality references. The grading rubric for this assignment may be viewed in the Research Paper submission link above.

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