Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Colorado State Global Campus Education on Foster Care & Poverty Paper & Summary

2 Page Paper with at least 2 sources & APA format: 

Foster care agencies face many challenges. There are often more children than there are beds in foster homes, resulting in the use of emergency shelters to house children. Placement is even more difficult for children who need therapeutic foster homes because of the scarcity of such homes. Adolescents face particularly daunting challenges when they “age out” of foster care, often with an incomplete education, a lack of critical job skills, and unaddressed mental health issues. As a result, they have a markedly increased risk of homelessness.

Imagine you work for a foster care agency. Your agency recruits, trains, and supports foster families and then places children and adolescents in the foster homes. It also provides supervision and oversight during the placement, all under contract with the state department of services for children and families.

Your supervisor has requested that you present to your new team of foster families on the following to create awareness of ethical concerns, emphasize responsibilities, and to provide the families full working knowledge of the entire process:

  1. What are your ethical obligations to the children/adolescents?
  2. What are your ethical obligations to the families?
  3. Consider and explain the entire process, from recruitment on.
  4. What are your obligations to the agency?
  5. What is the agency’s ethical obligations to you, as their employee?

Please write a separate paragraph on this:  

What does it mean to live below the poverty level? Determine the income for a family of four living in poverty. Be sure your response identifies income levels for poverty based on current U.S. National averages available on the HHS Website (Links to an external site.)

Based on the poverty level you have located on the HHS Website, consider the cost of living in your area. Would a family of four be able to afford the rent if they lived nearby? Is there public transportation or would they need to buy a car? 

Specify on how the family would NOT be able to live at the poverty level in your area. 

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