Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. RU How Do We Mean when We Say Reproductive Justice Discussion

I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

What defines reproductive and sexual justice? In Women, Race, and Class, Davis argues that one of the fundamental ways in which women experience inequality is lack of reproductive and sexual agency (agency here means the power to make decisions). How does Davis show this argument using specific examples—such as laws and legal precedents, historical trends, geographic patterns, examples of specific people, or other forces that shaped historical actors’ experiences of sexual assault, forced birth, abortion, involuntary sterilization, and motherhood? After reading Women, Race, and Class, how foundational is white, male supremacy to these experiences of sexual and reproductive injustice? Do Black and indigenous women of color and/or working-class women have different experiences from white or affluent women when it comes to reproductive and sexual justice? Finally, how can we put Davis into dialogue with Judith Jarvis Thomson’s “A Defense of Abortion” to think about the relationship between bodily autonomy and legal or cultural requirements that force people to carry and give birth? 

include a relevant quote from Angela Y. Davis’ Women, Race, and Class, and Judith Jarvis Thomson’s “A Defense of Abortion.” 

Writing Homework Help

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