Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. UTC Campaign for War Between the U.S and Iraq Thesis Paper

Required components of the final research paper:

Campaign chosen

Was this campaign early, mid or late in the war/conflict?

Campaign background (what caused it, where did it take place, when did it occur)

Could it have been avoided?

How did this campaign fit into the overall execution of the conflict/war?

Was a clear mission given to the military? If not, what was given?

What was the desired strategic end state? Did this change as time passed?

Did this mission change as time passed? If so, how so?

Strategic leaders of the campaign (president, dictator, monarch, etc.)

Secretary of War/Secretary of Defense

Secretary of the Army

Army Chief of Staff

Theater commanders (friendly and enemy)

Who were the principal field commanders (friendly and enemy)?

Was this a Joint or Combined campaign? Joint= more than one US branch, Combined= more than one country working together

Did this joint or combined support help or detracted from the execution of the mission?

Was this a peer/near-peer conflict or an insurgency?

What were the standard weapons and equipment for both sides?

Did either side have a clear advantage in equipment or resources?

What kind of environment (woods, desert, plains, jungle)

What were the wounded/KIA/MIA numbers for both sides?

Was the campaign symmetric or asymmetric?

What issues were faced by the Commanders and troops in the field? Logistics, terrain, weather, political)

What were the political, social, and economic effects of the campaign?

What was the outcome of the campaign? Was it a military or diplomatic resolution or a draw?

Did this Campaign lead to domestic or international precipitation for the conflict/war? If so, describe?

Did the US Military and Army change their strategy or tactics after this campaign? If so, how?

What would you have done differently if you were in command to make the campaign a success or a more tremendous success? 

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