Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Miami Muggeridge and Lukacs Reflective Paragraph

I’m working on a english exercise and need guidance to help me learn.

i will give a reflection, and after you read it, you need to finish below assingnements.

  • STEP # 1 — You should post a single copy of your typed reflective paragraph in which you analyze the two required readings, i.e. the essays by Muggeridge and Lukacs. It should be on a Word document, and it should be posted under the link for “A. Reflective Paragraph”;
  • STEP # 2 — You should call up a new Word document and format it in the proper manner with your name, the class section, the date, etc.;
  • STEP # 3 — Using your reflective paragraph, you should identify a single sentence within that paragraph that could be used as a THESIS STATEMENT, i.e., a sentence around which you could build an argument and therefore an essay;
  • STEP # 4 — That sentence should be copied word-for-word at the top of the Word document;
  • STEP # 5 — You should state the FIRST reason supporting that thesis statement;
  • STEP # 6 — Using the actual readings you should provide in “sentence form” the evidence and examples supporting that FIRST reason keeping in mind the importance of keeping BOTH readings (Muggeridge and Lukacs) in play;
  • STEP # 7 — You should state the SECOND reason supporting that thesis statement;
  • STEP # 8 — You should provide in “sentence form” the evidence and examples supporting that SECOND reason — once again the connections between the two secondary sources (Muggeridge and Lukacs) should continue to be made. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT;
  • STEP # 9 — You should write a single separate paragraph evaluating how the skills and methods used in this exercise — NOT THE CONTENT — might be applied to the work that you anticipate doing on the final project.

Writing Homework Help

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