Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Alabama Afro Caribbean Reflections on The Film Black Panther BIBLIO

you will take on the role of a film scholar and complete a four page film analysis for publication in an undergraduate journal. Your job is to help the general reader better understand how one film communicates cultural and/or thematic meaning. (We will discuss a few methodologies/approaches you can use to frame your argument).

The paper follows the specifications below:

Length: 4 pages
Format: MLA style. Times New Roman (or similar). 12 pt. font. 1” margins. Double
spaced. A header with your name, my name, the course #, and the date. Each page must include your last name and page number in the bottom left hand corner. Each paper must include a works cited page that includes the film, sources (outlined below) and a Title.

Source Guidelines

You must have 1 film and 3 supplementary sources incorporated into your paper. All of these sources must be cited in MLA style. At least TWO of those supplementary sources must be a scholarly source–which can include:

  • scholarly articles about your specific film/game
  • scholarly articles about similar genres of film/ games
  • scholarly articles about the use of a particular cinematic technique

You can also use a variety of other primary and secondary sources (not all of which need to be academic). Primary sources may include

Writing Homework Help

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