Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Howard Community College Environmental Racism in Flint Analytical Review

Read A Question of Environmental Racism in Flint download and SPCC Ch. 15 section 3&4 (Links to an external site.), and then respond to the following prompt:

What is the main thesis of the article? Find a direct quote that you believe captures the main thesis, or main idea, of this article. Identify an example in the text that provides evidence to support the authors thesis by using direct quotes and/or textual citations. Connect the claims in the NY Times articles with what you learned about environmental sociology, and specifically environmental racism, in the Social Problems: Continuity and Change (SPCC) text.


Analysis Paper 5

Analysis Paper 5

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates Critical Reading

15 pts


The response paper clearly demonstrates a critical engagement with the reading through a clear and concise summary of the main ideas, an evaluation of these ideas in relationship to textbook readings and other course materials, and a positive or negative critique of the reading.

13 pts


The response paper sufficiently demonstrates a critical engagement with the reading through a sufficient summary of the main ideas, an evaluation of these ideas in relationship to textbook readings and other course materials, and a positive or negative critique of the reading.

10 pts


The response paper demonstrates an engagement with the reading through a summary of the main ideas, altough not sufficiently and not well organized. Lacks an adequate evaluation of these ideas in relationship to textbook readings and other course materials, and linsufficiently develops a positive or negative critique of the reading.

7 pts


The response paperfails to demonstrate a critical engagement with the reading through a summary of the main ideas. The reponse fails to evaluate these ideas in relationship to textbook readings and other course materials, and fails to develop a positive or negative critique of the reading.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Evidence

15 pts


Makes strong use of supporting evidence in the response by effectively and appropriately incorporating two or more selected quotes from the text to support the interpretation or analysis.

13 pts


Makes sufficient use of supporting evidence in the response by adequately incorporating two or more selected quotes from the text to support the interpretation or analysis.

10 pts


Makes incomplete use of supporting evidence in the response by inadequately or inappropriately incorporating one or more selected quotes from the text to support the interpretation or analysis.

7 pts


Fails to use of supporting textual evidence in the response.

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological Thinking

10 pts


Thoroughly and appropriately incorporates sociological concepts and theories from the course text books (Robbins Global Problems and SPCC) and other assigned materials in a thoughtful evaluation of the reading.

8 pts


Sufficiently and appropriately incorporates sociological concepts and theories from the course text books (Robbins Global Problems and SPCC) and other assigned materials in an adequate evaluation of the reading.

6 pts


Inadequately and/or inappropriately attempts to incorporate sociological concepts and theories from the course text books (Robbins Global Problems and SPCC) and other assigned materials in an evaluation of the reading.

4 pts


Fails to incorporate sociological concepts and theories from the course text books (Robbins Global Problems and SPCC) and other assigned materials in an evaluation of the reading.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality

5 pts

Full Marks

Spelling and grammar does not affect intelligibility negatively.

0 pts

No Marks

Spelling and grammar affects intelligibility negatively.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness

5 pts

Full Marks

Assignment was submitted on time.

0 pts

No Marks

Assignment was not submitted on time.

5 pts

Total Points: 50

Writing Homework Help

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