Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Essay 2: Rhetorical Analysis of Tompkins’ Argument

Write a 4-6 page rhetorical analysis of Jane Tompkins’ “Indians’: Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History,” using correct MLA Format & Style (Links to an external site.). Your essay should address each of the following REQUIREMENTS (though you may alter the order):

  1. fully introduce and articulate Tompkins’ major claim (use the Academic Meaty Sentence to make sure your introduction to her is complete) and summarize her argument, including her major claim and how she establishes kairos and exigence. Be sure to include your own thesis with regards to how persuasive her argument is for her intended audience;
  2. describe and explain Tompkins’ use of inductive reasoning and how it affects the organization and effectiveness of her argument as a whole;
  3. identify, analyze, and evaluate her appeals to reasoning (logos), credibility (ethos), and emotions (pathos) and the strategies she uses to make them. Discuss all three appeals and at least two strategies per appeal–it is expected that you quote directly from the text to support your analysis, using correct MLA in-text citation and Literary Present Tense.
  4. evaluate how persuasive Tompkins’ argument is as a whole for her intended, resistant audience, academic poststructuralist peers who read Critical Inquiry.
  5. Be sure to demonstrate mastery of MLA Format and Style, including the Works Cited page.

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