Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Skyline College Kindred Book Analysis

(1) DUE DATES: Post Part 1 (200 word analysis–80 points) and post Part 2 (50 word peer reaction–20 points) by Mon 5/10 midnight.

(2) OBJECTIVE: To analyze the reading and identify thematic patterns to help you decide what aspect of the book you would like to write about for Paper 4.
(3) READ FIRST: Finish Kindred, read the chapters: “The Storm” (189-239), “The Rope” (240-261), and “Epilogue” (262-264).

PART 1: ASSIGNMENT: In 200 words or more, analyze a theme you saw threaded throughout the novel. Questions to help you narrow in on a theme you want to investigate: What did this book, which is about the fantasy of time travel, make you reflect on regarding the realities of America’s past and present? What topic in the book made you want to explore it deeper and research more about? Use the questions below to guide your analysis. Please note: don’t simply summarize what happens but focus entirely on theme analysis using the questions below as a guide.
PART 2: Respond to one of your classmate’s posts in 50 words or more.

THEME: The theme is an idea or point that is central to a story, which can often be summed up in a word or a few words (e.g. loneliness, fate, oppression, rebirth, coming of age; humans in conflict with technology; nostalgia; the dangers of unchecked power). A story may have several themes. Themes often explore historically common or cross-culturally recognizable ideas, such as ethical questions and commentary on the human condition, and are usually implied rather than stated explicitly.

QUESTIONS ABOUT THEME: To help identify themes ask yourself questions such as these:

· Is the title or are the character names related to the theme?

· Does the main character change in any way? Realize anything important?

· Does the author or do the characters make any important observations about life, human nature or human behavior?

· Are themes revealed through actions, dramatic statements or personalities of characters?

· If characters convey conflicting values, which values does the work seem to be defending?

· Are there repeating patterns or symbols?

· What image of humankind emerges from the work? How is society portrayed?

· Are characters in conflict with their society?

· If the society is flawed, how is it flawed?

· What control over their lives do the characters have?

· What are the moral issues or conflicts in the work?

· What did you feel after you read the story? What part of your life connected with the story and where did that connection happen?

· What ideas are implied by the total impression of the work?

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