Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. JOUR110 UCLA Internet and Privacy Discussion

Answer any five of these questions.

(Important: Include the answers to at least five of the questions below in a single post, being sure to indicate which question you are responding to as you compose your post.) Make sure you include one hyperlink to an article or website that supports or proves one of your points.

Question #1: First, do you remember in Ch. #1, we discussed technological determinism? Is the technology we currently have access to (the internet, mobile technology, Augmented Reality, etc.) making changes in our world that are becoming out of our control? Or do we still have the ability to moderate the changes technology is making in our societies? Please back up your answer with reasons.

Question #2: To what extent is technology our savior? In your opinion, can technology solve the big (and small) problems of our day? Or is it bedeviling us?

Question #3: List every way in which your life is different with having access to your smart phone. I’ll give you an example: Back when I was in my 20s, I had no cell phone, let alone a smart phone with internet and gps access. When my car broke down in another part of the state, I had to find a way to get to a pay phone and use a phone book to find a mechanic. Then, I had to figure out how to get some extra money (with no credit card and no atm card; just a checkbook or cash). Nowadays, if my car breaks down, I have a bunch of options from calling AAA from my iPhone, to calling my husband, to calling myself an Uber. List all the ways your life has changed or been enhanced by your smart phone.

Question #4: What do you think about tech giants such as Facebook is establishing its own digital currency (Links to an external site.), and bitcoin already exists. Should the U.S. government regulate or prohibit this kind of thing? Why or why not?

Question #5: More and more police are using dash and body cams. Would you support our politicians doing the same? What about teachers and other public servants? Does anything like this technology currently exist? At what point does this become governmental surveillance?

Question #6: Watch this video first: Mind Reader. (Links to an external site.) What is the point of my having you watch this video? To what extent does it relate to you personally?

Question #7: Do you personally wear a health tracker, such as a FitBit or an Apple Watch? What kinds of privacy issues could this pose and are you concerned about these?

Question #8: Do you have Alexa or use Siri or the Google version? Do you have Ring or other technology such as that in your home? To what extent is your home listening to you? To what extent do you have concerns about this?

Question #9: To what extent to you feel your social media habits are healthy for you? Evaluate them here. To what extent is privacy a right, in regards to social media? In other words, when we post on social media, or live stream, or take photos constantly out in the world, or turn our video cameras on to broadcast to the world the events or people we see in front of us, are you concerned about the privacy of others? Is privacy a right and if so, how does social media and our mobile devices challenge this?

Question 10: If we looked at your search history, would there be anything you’d be embarrassed by? (You don’t, of course, need to say what these are!) How might these things be used against you and by whom? (Think broadly on this.)

Writing Homework Help

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