Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ENG 310 Nightingale College Nursing Revision Techniques Discussion

Now that you’ve read about some revision techniques for your writing, it’s time to put those concepts to use! 

For this worksheet, you’ll select 3 sentences from your Week 6 Persuasive Essay to edit using the techniques you’ve learned (specifically those located in part 3 of the reading, “Sentence-Level Revision.”) 

Provide each original sentence, and then the revised version you’ve come up with. Then, in 1-2 paragraphs, discuss which technique(s) you used to revise your sentences, and why you think the new versions are superior. 

Include your sentences and analysis in a document and submit it via this page to complete the assignment. 

Your document should Include the original sentences from your week 6 paper, as well as the new revised versions and your 1-2 paragraphs discussing the changes you made. 

Writing Homework Help

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