Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. MIS 650 GCU Expressing Ideas Using Visual Aids Discussion

Discussion 1: Justin Foss

My preference is visual presentations. The reason is because it makes it easier and quicker to identify the trends and decipher what is trying be presented. Visual presentations also keep viewers of the presentation more engaged. While I prefer visual raw or tabular data is still useful when presenting large datasets. Visual presentations will make the charts cluttered and really hard to understand what is being presented. The best way to present data is to understand what is trying to be presented and not be stuck on one type. Both have their purposes and when used correctly will be able to serve the purpose attempting to be identified. If there are certain data points from large data that can be used then both tabular and visual can be used which may be the most beneficial as they can give the top and main points with both.

Discussion 2: Anthony Coles

As far as preference goes, I prefer visual presentations especially when representing data over time. I think that visual representations allow a viewer to identify trends quickly and it is easy to understand/interpret. There are times when tabular data could be a better method to portray data. When I am not presenting data over time, I usually prefer to present the data in a tabular form. At my current job I have a need for both. Occasionally I will be asked for a count of items in a data frame or to track specific data associated with a row. I think the most effective way to proceed is to provide the tabular data along with the visual data. In fact, this is a common practice in my workplace. I have found that senior leadership’s preference varies from person to person. Using both allows me to meet the requirements of all those who are going to be viewing the data and making informed decisions based off the data.

Discussion 3: Meredith Carter

The preference between tabular and charts comes down to what information is being conveyed. For a comparison of how many loans are in each region of the country, a pie graph is going to be a better choice. It’s a quicky visualization of the percentages in each region. Displayed in tabular format, the comparison might not be as noticeable. In another example, if the information is regarding the top 10 depositors in a bank, a chart will not work. That information has to be represented in a tabular format.

With tabular presentation, the data is very clear and understandable. There’s no need to refer to a legend for clarification and no need to judge what a balance is by looking at an axis. Tabular presentations also allow for more information to be shown. You generally are not going to have 100 different categories in one graph. The setup of tables is much faster than for a graph, at least in some instances. I’ve had to do bar graphs in the past that are stacked and grouped, and with a line graph on a second access. It’s a very strange setup in order to have the data correctly presented.

Graphs can be very powerful. There are a wide variety of graphs available. While some can overlap with use, most of the time each type of graph has a specific purpose. Graphs are more visually pleasing than tables. Most people can quickly view a graph and understand the story it is telling, even when dealing with a multi-lingual audience. The quickness of viewing a graph can lead to faster decision making times (Omni-Sci, nd).

Omni-Sci (n.d.). Graphical Representation Definition. Retrieved on September 6, 2021 from https://www.omnisci.com/technical-glossary/graphic…

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