Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Biggest Limitations of Human Beings Discussion

The Relationship Cure – A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships – PDFDrive.com (oiipdf.com)

part one: Create the following sentences required below and then put them together into your introduction paragraph.

A ] Creating the Hook

Create 4 different kinds of hooks about the subject of this introduction:

  1. Write an interesting statistic/fact about this subject that most people do not know – quote your source
  1. Write a famous quote which may apply to this subject – put the quote in quotation marks (author of quote)
  1. Write an important question that we might ask about the topic.
  1. Write a bit of wisdom / old saying you know that is suggested by this subject. It can come from the USA or your country.

Look at your 4 hooks and decide which one you like the best 🙂

B ] Background information:

1. Write a sentence that explains your favorite hook and relate it to the book, using author name and book title.

2. Write a sentence that introduces who the author of the book is – profession, life experiences that are important.

3. Write 3 sentences telling what the book is about. Define terms like bid.

4. Write 3 sentences explaining why the book is important and why someone should read it.

C ] Make a thesis statement to include the following –

Topic = Understanding bids for connection

How we feel = we can improve / enhance our relationships

How we write= recognize mistakes making bids, mistakes receiving bids, and avoid bid busters

D] NOW: Put all those sentences together in paragraph form and write your introduction:


Part one: Create the following sentences required below and then put them together into your conclusion paragraph.

A] Write a college level transition and connect it to a restatement of your thesis in different words:

B] Summary

Use a transition + Summarize the main ideas in first body paragraph in 2 sentences:

Use a transition + Summarize the main ideas in second body paragraph in 2 sentences:

Use a transition + Summarize the main ideas in third body paragraph in 2 sentences:

C] Create additional ending strategies [ 3 sentences]

Choose 2-3 of the following and then pick the ones you like best for your paragraph

1] Write a suggestion/advice you might make for the readers :

2] Come full circle & talk about your hook or title again and relate it to ideas in the book:

3] Make a prediction about what will happen if the reader follows growth or fixed mindset in his/her life.

4] Use a new quote, question, or anecdote relating to ideas in the book:

D] Put all of your sentences together in paragraph form to write your 10-12 sentence conclusion below. Remember the very last sentence to be a sentence in your own words – no quotes or questions

For each of the following 5 words, do the following. Write the definition of the word, the part of speech, the opposite of the word, and create your own sentence using the word in explaining a concept from the text. Do not copy sentences from the text or from the dictionary.

Here’s an example:


Definition: To fix or remedy
Part of speech: Verb or noun
Opposite: Worsen make unwell
Sentence: One cure for poor relationships is to improve making and receiving bids for connection.


Part of speech:

2. complaint

Part of speech:

3. criticize

Part of speech:

4. defensiveness

Part of speech:

5. appreciation

Part of speech:


Writing Homework Help

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