Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ASA College Wikipedia as a Site of Knowledge Production Question

Boyd / “Wikipedia as a Site of Knowledge Production”:


  1. Boyd does not begin with her own assessment of Wikipedia.
    Instead, she starts out with its general reputation and only gradually
    leads up to her own judgment, stating it most fully in her ending
    paragraph. What are the advantages of this strategy? What might be the
    disadvantages? Was it a good choice for this topic? Why or why not?
  2. The primary audience for Boyd’s evaluation is teachers, though
    parents and students would also ebenfit form it. Is her evaluation
    effective for this audience? Why or why not? How might it change if she
    were targeting students instead?

Green / “The Boldness of Roxane Gay’s Hunger“:


  1. Green is evaluating Hunger specifically, but she
    discusses other books and essays written by Roxane Gay throughout the
    evaluation. Why do you think Green does this? One of the features of an
    evalaution is a knowledgeable discussion of the subject. How does
    Green’s knowledge of Gay’s other works strenghthen her assessment of Hunger?

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