Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. JenningsCOMM 120COMMUNICATION SKILLS PROJECTDUE IN CLASS ON _______________________TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE: 25You are to fill out the following worksheet that analyzes one aspect of your communication skills over the course of this semester. Please follow

JenningsCOMM 120COMMUNICATION SKILLS PROJECTDUE IN CLASS ON _______________________TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE: 25You are to fill out the following worksheet that analyzes one aspect of your communication skills over the course of this semester. Please follow the steps below. See the sample for an idea how long and how detailed your answers should be.Choose one problem that you currently have with communication with one person in your life. THE PROBLEM1) Who the person is you have chosen? (just the name goes here)2) Briefly describe your relationship with that person (You have two questions to answer here: How do you know them? What is your relationship like?)3) Describe (with examples) the communication problem you are having with that person. 4) Write out a sample dialogue, a typical conversation you have had with that person that illustrates the problem you are having. (it doesn’t have to be an actual word for word conversation. Just give us an example of what a typical conversation that illustrates the problem would sound like)namestatement ________: ______________________________________________________________________: ______________________________________________________________Etc.5) Choose ONE communication topic from this class that relates to the problem you are having (circle it):distorted self concept, self fulfilling prophecy, perception checking, non-inclusive language, difference between hearing and listening, why humans are poor listeners, types of nonlistening, how to become a better listener, Self Disclosure, Knapp’s Stages of Relationship Development, Johari Window, Communication climate, Confirming and disconfirming communication, Defensiveness, Defense mechanisms, Preventing defensiveness in others(Gibb categories), Conflict styles.

Writing Homework Help

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