Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. GC History of Latin America Essay

Directions: Please submit your responses via Canvas (Assignments) no later than 11:59 PM. Late submissions will be subject to a loss of 10 points.

Essay Responses: Please answer the following two questions with details and examples taken from the textbook. Be sure to include your own analyses using the book. As usual, please remember to cite the textbook and do not forget to put the key terms in bold/underline/italicize Submit your answers on Canvas (Assignments)- Good Luck!!!!!! 

Essay Questions (25 points each):

1.   Describe the sequence of events from Chapters 1-4 that led up to the independence movements throughout Latin America? From Chapters 1-4, contrast the rebellions and wars of independence from at least three different Latin American Countries and at least two European countries. Discuss any similarities and differences in detail, with examples and key terms from your book. Did some (if any) of the independence movements challenge the colonial conception of racial hierarchy?

**You need to include at least five key terms from Chapters 1-4 in your response. 

7.   Let’s look into Chapters 5-9: If more than one, describe the types of government that rose to power during the neocolonial period as discussed in Chapter 7. In what ways did overseas empires shape the neocolonial experience (women, social change, political transformation, economic opportunities, etc.)? In these chapters (5-9), how did the revolutionary movements throughout Latin America inspire a devoted movement and following? With what kind of ideals did they connect with?

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