Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Santa Monica College The Prince and The Pauper Novel Discussion

Objective: The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate the ability to read and analyze literature. Follow these step by step instructions:

1) Go to easybib.com (see video tutorials) and begin a new project entitled Essay #1Keep that Project Open While You Study Go to Google and Find the Summary of the work you have chosen. Add that resource to your easybib project. Now that you have read the summary, go back to the free text of the literature and read. You will no longer be frustrated by the language. You will know what is going to happen, so you can relax and enjoy reading. Plus, you will feel super smart when you tell your friends that you are reading lofty fiction or nonfiction. NOTE: Do not try to simply use the summary you read. I will know. Do the work, read the summary and then read the literature. In short, do the right thing. Now you are ready to research. Go to Google and research the theme of your choice and 1of the following: motif, character development, world of the story, tone, style, subtext, symbols, foreshadowing, dramatic irony

So, you would go to Google and type in something like this: theme and then irony in “Ok Google. What is the theme of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream” “How is irony used in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

1)Select two articles to read about your aspect of the literature, copy those urls and paste into easybib to document that article. 2)Now that you have 3 citations: the piece of literature, the article that relates to theme and the article related to the deeper choice (see above in yellow) to your approach to the literature, you are ready to plan the 3 paragraphs you will write. Use the outline provided below NOTE for an example, I used A Midsummer Night’s Dream. To be clear, this is not one of your literature options. This is used only for purpose of example:

I.Paragraph #1 

A.Sentence #1 –Introduce the title and author and when written

B.Sentence #2 –why you are interested in this topic

C.Sentence #3 –an example from your life that you relate to the story

D.Sentence#4-Write the short summary of the literature. Cite thesource.

E.Sentence #5 –Write in your own words, the central idea/theme of your piece of literature. 

For example: The thematic structure of To Kill A Mockingbird explores the depths of man’s inhumanity to man, as well as the human capacity for love. Something like that –not a quote but your own words. Remember that short stories are written in quotes “The Tell Tale Heart” and plays and novels are in italics To Kill A Mockingbird. NOTE: Sentences #4 and 5 act as transitions to your next paragraph.

F.Sentence #6 –Indicate what one item you are going to analyze –motif, character etc.

G.Transition to the next paragraph by adding one sentence about the theme.

II.Paragraph #2 –Theme

A.Sentence #1 –Write a statement in your own words about the plot of the story. For example The novel To Kill A Mockingbird is the story of Atticus Finch and his struggle to find justice as he sets the example of compassion for his two children, Scout and Jem. –something like that –again in your own words.

B.Sentence #2 –Quote the article you researched, careful to cite the source. For example:According to scholar Tom Williams, “the struggles of Atticus Finch reflect the issues of a culture built on both pride and unconditional love”(filmcritics.com). Something like that. Be sure to cite the entire article in your easybib project.

C.Sentence #3 and 4, possibly 5 –Explain in your own words how that quoted statement points back to your initial sentence about how you relate to the theme. For example: The Film Critics article explains a theme I have seen in my own life. I grew up in West Texas, and I remember wondering how some of the people I knew could think and do hateful things and then show up for church on Sunday. When I read the defense of Atticus Finch, I feel pride for the hero who seeks truth and justice for the down trodden.Yes, these 2 or three sentences are difficult and need to be crafted.

D. Write a transition sentence to the next paragraph, indicating the item you selected from the list.

III.Paragraph #3 –the deeper topic you chose from the list.This is the exact same formula we used for Paragraph #2. Instead of theme, you will address the area you chose. For example: If I want to explore the world of the story from To Kill A Mockingbird, I would go to Google and ask about that. For example: How does the world of the story reflect the theme of To Kill A Mockingbird? 

A.Sentence #1 –write a sentence in your own words describing that deeper topic.

B.Sentence #2 –Quote a source. Explain how that source quote relates to the theme. A concluding statement about how the in depth look you have taken with this literature has impacted you –that is you personally. Never use “you, we, us or your or our. Only first person, I, me, my or third person objective factual statements.That’s it. Three paragraphs. Use this exact formula.

Writing Homework Help

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