Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Tax Structure and Economic Growth Research Proposal

Hi! Please see assignment below. Can you have this to me by Saturday 5/15/2021? Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you kindly!

Public Finance Proposal : Final Project

***PLEASE NOTE THE SPECIFIC PROJECT IS: construction of a recreational park**** Please make sure there is a conclusion and the paper covers all the key elements of the assignment and center around the specific project. Attached is the grading rubic for your review. We MUST come out with an “A” on this final paper. Thank you

Assignment Content

Reference your Wk 3 and Wk 5 assignments.

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word proposal for financing the project you selected in Wk 3. Include the following:

  • A description and summary of the state, county, or city of choice, including
    • demographics
    • employment or unemployment data
  • A cost-benefit analysis (Wk 3)
  • Three potential sources of funding (Wk 5)
  • The role of taxation on funding the project
  • Any possible need(s) for income redistribution and its effects on the local economy
  • A description of how entitlement or welfare spending in the state, county, or city has affected the labor and employment market: Explain the potential effects on funding the project.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Read Ch. 18 of Public Finance.

Read Ch. 19 of Public Finance.

Read Ch. 21 of Public Finance.

Watch “The State of Public Finance” video from C-SPAN.

Watch the “State and Local Government Finances” video from C-SPAN.

Writing Homework Help

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