Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Wilkes Humanities Designer Children Refer to The Scientific Concept Essay

The topic of paper is Designer children could interfere with gods will and human dignity. Children are gifts from god and by designing children human could unintentionally change god plan of the children.

I attached the rubric and outline of paper. The following is instruction bout the paper made by instructor:

This paper is to be 8 pages in length (not including the cover page or Citations). You may use any of the conventional academic methods of citing quoted or paraphrased material so long as you are consistent. In those cases where you are citing assigned reading, you need simply to cite the author and page number parenthetically—e.g., (Wadell, 123). In evaluating your work, I will be using the grading rubric posted on Moodle, attending especially to 1) your response to the prompt; 2) the scope and sophistication of your engagement with relevant texts and classroom conversations; and 3) the clarity, precision, and coherence of your argument, including the syntax and diction of your writing.

You must use at least eight sources other than the textbook. These sources should vary in perspective (some Christian, some not Christian, some in support of your thoughts, some challenging your thoughts). All resources must be scholarly (websites should be used in addition to your eight required sources). The Bible can be counted as one of the eight required sources.

You must have a clear THESIS. You will then support this thesis throughout your paper, making sure to correctly and effectively incorporate sources. You will make sure to address the key arguments and the strongest evidence you find which counters your position regarding the given topic and present a defense for your own position. (Depending on the intricacies of your topic, you might engage with only a singular argument)

Writing Homework Help

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