Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Florida College Political Consequences of Venezuelas Reliance on Petroleum Exports Questions

I’m studying and need help with a History question to help me learn.

  • Respond each question separately:
  • If Venezuela was merely an outpost for the Spanish empire in America, why and how did Caracas become such a significant city? P. 214
  • Define the tradition of caudillismo, and explain how it applies to Venezuela. P. 215
  • What was the “Roosevelt Corollary,” and what were its messages? P. 217, P. 218
  • What were the social and political consequences of Venezuela’s reliance on petroleum exports throughout the twentieth century?P. 220, P. 221
  • What explains the demise of Venezuela’s two-party system between the 1960s and the 1990s? P. 226, P. 227
  • What conditions led to the political rise of Hugo Chávez? Was he an opportunist or a revolutionary? How will the country be affected by his death in March 2013? P. 228, P. 229, P. 230

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