Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Self Defeating Thought Patterns Undesirable Effects Essay

After reading Chapter 6 pages 164-173 in your On Course textbook, you will also learn about identifying your scripts. Everyone has scripts. Some scripts have helped us achieve our present success. Other scripts may be getting us off course from our goals and dreams. Becoming aware of your unique personal scripts helps you to make wise choices that will create the life you want. In this activity, you will explore self-defeating patterns in your life that may reveal unconscious scripts.


  1. Create a list of at least 3 of your self-defeating behavior patterns. Remember, a behavior is an action and it’s something someone else can see you do. You can use the activity on page 172 of your On Course textbook to help you identify some self-defeating behavior patterns.
  2. Write a short paragraph about one of your self-defeating behavior patterns. Dive deep and be sure to address the following questions in your paragraph:
    • What is an example of when you behaved this way?
    • What may have caused this habit/behavior pattern?
    • What undesirable effects has it had on your life?
    • How would your life be improved if you changed it?
  3. Create a list of at least 3 of your self-defeating thought patterns. Remember, a thought is something personal that you think or believe about yourself, others, or the world around you. You can use the activity on page 172 of your On Course textbook to help you identify some self-defeating thought patterns.
  4. Write a short paragraph about one of your self-defeating thought patterns. Dive deep and be sure to address the following questions in your paragraph:
    • What is an example of when you thought this way?
    • What may have caused this thought pattern?
    • What undesirable effects has it had on your life?
    • How would your life be improved if you changed it?

Writing Homework Help

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