Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Minnesota State University Mankato Brave New World Discussion

I need some one who can get acess to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein (I will be using the 4th edition of this book) and answer 6 – 8 questions about 3-4 sentences long and eply back to two of my classmates. You dont have to read the whole book just from chapter 1-4.

1.In Chapter 1, we are introduced to the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, where many of the main characters work. What does this place to? What is its role in the society we are reading about? (at least 4 sentences please)

2.How does the society we are reading about guarantee that “all people like their unescapable social destiny” (16)? (at least 2 sentences please)

3.Explain in your own words why the masses are conditioned to hate nature. Refer to pages 22 and 23. (at least 3 sentences please)

4.The people in Brave New World have “the conscription of consumption” (49) where they are compelled (likely through hypnosis and other social means) to consume so much per year. Why would the leaders make this requirement of the people? (at least 3 sentences please)

5.We learn in Chapter 3 that “progress” for this society is defined as ridding the world of religion, passion, reading, and thinking and replacing these things with work, sex, and pleasure (54-55). If we assume that Huxley is making social commentary here, what do you think he might be saying? What might he want us to consider when we read about this society’s philosophies? (at least 4 sentences please)

6.Throughout Chapter 4, we learn that both Helmhotz Watson and Bernard Marx feel like outsiders in their communities. Huxley tells us on page 67, “What the two men shared was the knowledge that they were individuals” and that this individualism causes each of them some discomfort, or even unhappiness. What do you think Huxley’s message here might be? What is he trying to tell us when he shows us that individuality and unhappiness might be linked? (at least 3 sentences please)  

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