Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Mongol Eurasia and Its Aftermath 1200 to 1500 Discussion

I don’t understand this History question and need help to study.

Chapter 13: Mongol Eurasia and its Aftermath, 1200-1500.

Discussion Question:

Using your textbook – and research from the internet if you wish – answer the following:

The Mongols created the largest empire in history to that point, and the largest contiguous land empire ever. However, their rule was short-lived, lasting only from 1206 – 1368. Historians have debated the causes for the demise of the Mongol Empire. One argument reads: “The weaknesses of the Mongols lay more in their economic administration than in their violence or rapacity.” Respond to this statement in your essay — was the primary weakness of the Mongols their violence or their economic and administrative abilities?

Use Book: Richard W. Bulliet, et. al., The Earth and Its Peoples, vol. 1: to 1550, 7th (Cengage Advantage Books, 2019), ISBN-13: 9781337401487.

Note, this Discussion is worth DOUBLE POINTS, so post accordingly.

Here is an example: I believe that the primary weakness of the Mongols was their economic and administrative abilities. The Mongolian people “never moved out of their home territories in Mongolia. Now they welcomed back refugees from the Yuan collapse” after the Chinese’s empire was under the Ming dynasty (334). The conquest of the Mongolians resulted in a decrease of China’s population. The Ming Empire was controlled by Chinese leader Zhu Yuanzhang, who blamed the Mongols chaos for the loss of his parents and other family members. Mongols were able to sustain a structured government through organizing China into different providences that had “appointment of provincial governors, tax collectors, and garrison commanders” to work in their own areas (333). The Mongol’s had corporations “handled most economic activities, starting with financing caravans and expanding into tax farming and lending money” to the aristocracy (334). However, the Mongols were not satisfied with the amount of money these corporations were bringing in which led to a money shortage. They ended up cutting trade with Japan to be able to keep the value of the copper coins. The Yuan even raised taxes which led to farmers being evicted. I believe that the Mongols were able to create a strong base foundation, but they were weak in the aspects of keeping the community thriving and safe.

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