Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Business Problem and Project Justification Template

Assignment Instructions

The link provided below has approx. 28 practitioner and scholarly articles for references.


Using the attached Business Problem and Project Justification Template, linked in the Resources, address the requirements for Sections 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 listed in the left-hand panel of the template.

Review the Business Problem and Project Justification Template scoring guide to learn about the criteria by which this assignment will be evaluated.

Submission Requirements

Your assignment should meet all the requirements for inclusion as stated in the instructions, as well as the following:

  • Writing: Writing is clear and concise, using appropriate professional language and syntax.
  • Proofing: Assignment has been thoroughly proofed and edited.
  • Style and Formatting: Complies fully with current APA standards for citing reference sources.
  • Font: 12-point font and single spacing.
  • Section 4.0 References: All references are listed in current APA format.

Writing Homework Help

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