Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. San Fransisco University Interactive Design Usability Testing Uber App Report

2- High Fidelity Prototype (170 points)

  • Select your favorite prototyping application from the following Axure, JIM, Adobe XD or In-Vision Studio. No other application will be accepted
  • Create your interactive prototype
  • Conduct usability testing with at least 4 participants and measurable metrics: Example, success rate, time to finish the tasks
  • Analyze your testing results and modify your prototype if needed.
  • Compare your design with the original design.
  • What did you learn from this project?


  • Your Hight fidelity prototype must be created with the approved tools; not other tool files are accepted.
  • The prototype must be interactive; for example, UI elements clickable.
  • All images must be supporting your design.
  • The prototype must follow the information architecture discussed in the lecture and reading material. This includes labeling, instruction text, menu options, accessibility, and so on.
  • Visual design must follow the rules discussed in the lectures and reading material—for example, color pallets, contrast font size,


  • Upload the interactive prototype in digital form on Canvas. No cloud-based prototype is accepted. The project upload file must include all files,

Writing Homework Help

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