Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. BCC The History of The Telephone Technology Based Presentation Aids Discussion

I’m studying for my Communications class and need an explanation.

Presentation Aids

Presentation aids can help in the aiding of the audience’s understanding of the message of the speech. They are NOT for the speaker. They are for the benefit of the audience.

Types of presentation aids

The speaker or an assistant: These are often used when the speaker is giving a demo for example how to do a push-up or the waltz

The blackboard/whiteboard: Easy down and dirty presentation aid. This can be useful in showing people how to draw something or do a math problem.

The object itself: For example, if you are doing a presentation on the history of the slinky, a slinky would be an excellent presentation aid.

Model of an object: This is used when you need a manageable copy of an object.

Photo/sketch/drawing: For example, if you are doing a speech on James Dean, you may want to have a photo of him.

Graphs/charts: Used for statistics or numerical info. This helps the audience have a visual understanding of the numbers.

Now we are going to get into some of the more technology-based presentation aids.

Audio: Something your audience can hear. Perhaps if you are presenting about a composer, you can play a piece of their work.

Videos: Short video clips that support your message.

Presentation software: One of the most common is PowerPoint. These are types of software that you use to create slides to support your message.

Now that we have discussed some types of presentation aids, review this video for tips on how to use them:

-1-Imagine you are doing a presentation on the history of the telephone. What kind of presentation aid would you use? Why would you use it?

2-Watch the video above. How can you connect the content of her presentation to the notes about presentation aids and supporting material? What types of supporting material and presentation aids does she use?Please watch this video TED presentation Aid Discussion MelissaMarshall

2-Informative speaking and brainstorming discussion

  1. In your own words, what is informative speaking?
  2. Can you give examples of topics that would be used for informative speaking?
  3. In your own words, why is brainstorming important?
  4. Would you try any of the examples of brainstorming giving in the lesson, why would you try that particular one? Have you tried any and was it helpful? Why was it helpful? When you are brainstorming, you are trying to generate ideas. You are not judging them or trying to polish at this point. You are doing whatever you can to get some thoughts out. For more ideas on how to brainstorm, see the video below.

Writing Homework Help

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