Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. WRTG 273 University of Rochester Networking Note Discussion

Networking Note Instructions


The networking process begins much like asking a stranger on the street for directions. If you ask politely and express appreciation for their time, most people are willing to help!

A networking note is a brief, formal email communication, written to a professional contact you do not know well (if at all)––that “stranger on the street.” The objective is to introduce yourself and request assistance in the form of career information, advice, and insights. Think of it as “asking for directions.” Because this is formal professional communication, it should include a specific subject line, a formal salutation, professional tone and syntax, a clear and polite request, and an appropriate email signature block.

For this assignment, you will write and send a networking note via email to your Real Reader, requesting an informational interview via phone, video chat, or in person. In this email, use what you know based on your Real Reader’s bio (and LinkedIn profile, if available) to tailor your message and request. Your aim is to make a connection so that your Real Reader will be excited about giving you those “directions.”


The Real Reader you selected is the audience for the networking note.


Through this assignment, you will gain practice (a) representing yourself professionally in formal electronic communications, and (b) tailoring your message to a specific audience for a specific purpose.

The networking note will be reviewed based on how well it accomplishes the following:

  • Introduces you and your exploratory interests in a detailed, yet concise, manner
  • Demonstrates a basic understanding of audience, including academic background, industry and profession
  • Clearly articulates a request (in this case, to set up an informational interview)
  • Uses professional tone, style, and syntax appropriate to a professional email format

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