Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Alabama Characterization of the Publications Presentation

For your final Media & Society assignment, I’d like you to select a news event you have encountered and analyze how two different news publications— any format: print, web, social media, etc.—and analyze how the news was represented by the two different media sources.

Select a news event and find coverage of it in print, web, social media from two different publications to turn for your Final assignment due VIA CANVAS Tuesday April 27.

1. Include a copy of the story from each publication (can be a screenshot, pdf, jpg, or embedded video) as your first slides (1-2 slides)

2. Summary of each story as it was represented by each publication. Include the text in the Powerpoint slide itself (1-2 slides)

3. Include a brief characterization of each publication source. Is it known for political bias? Reputable reporting? Satire? (1-2 slides)

4. Analyze the representation of the news event through each medium–are the facts different? Is the style in which those facts are presented and represented different? Identify at least two examples from each source to analyze (3-4 slides)

5. Conclusion. How do you as a reader or viewer determine the truth? (1slide)

Example of news analysis from different perspectives/sources:

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/22/us/politics/right-left-react-gun-control.html (Links to an external site.)

Resources on news sources:

https://www.rjionline.org/stories/who-trusts-and-pays-for-the-news-heres-what-8728-people-told-us (Links to an external site.)

https://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-does-your-favorite-news-source-rate-on-the-truthiness-scale-consult-this-chart-2016-12-15 (Links to an external site.)


Writing Homework Help

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