Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Nassau Community College Sports Marketing Writing

Students will be required to select a team in one of the following professional leagues: MLB,

NBA, NFL , NHL or European Soccer. You will do research on your selected team and then

answer the following questions.

Part One (One page)

You are the new owner of your team and have to build a new stadium/arena.

A) Where will you build the new facility? Why?

B) How will the new facility increase revenues

C) Will you have fewer seats to create more demand?

D) How will you make this facility more fan friendly?

Part Two (One page)

You are the new General Manager for your team. The owner wants a three year plan as to how

you are going to build the team to win a championship. Discus how you are going to achieve this


Free agents

The coach


The draft

The farm system

Innovative ideas

Part Three (One page)

1. Go to: Forbes.com/sportsmoney

2. This will take you to the website. In the search box type in your team name.

3. When the new page appears, scroll down the page.

4. Select the article about your team that will be along the lines of:

New York Rangers on NHL team valuations

New York Yankees on the business of baseball

New York Knicks on NBA team valuations

New York Giants on NFL team valuations

Please look at the bar charts on your team to answer parts A, B and C.

A) Discuss how the value of the franchise has changed in value over the years.

Why do you think it has changed?

B) Discuss how the team’s revenues have changed over the years.

C) Discuss the changes in player expenses over the years. Does an increased payroll

really help the team win more games?

D) What are you going to do to promote your team on a global basis so the owner can

create more fan interest and make more money? Think of overseas games, jersey

sales, the Internet, overseas offices, cable TV, clinics, player appearances and signing

foreign born players.

Part Four (One page)

A) Sports agent Curtis Polk requires all his clients to follow this model regarding their

income. Figure 50% will go to taxes, 40% you have to save and invest and 10% you

can spend as you wish. Would you recommend this to any player that you

represented as a sports agent? Why or why not? What if the potential client said no?

B) Discuss three of the existing marketing deals that Bryce Harper now has.

C) As the agent for Bryce Harper, what four companies would you try and get new

marketing deals with and why? What kind of dollar amounts would you be looking


D) As the agent for Bryce Harper, would you recommend that he start his own shoe

company? Why or why not?

Part Five (One page)

A) What is the drug testing (PED’s) policy of the league your team competes in?

B) What is your opinion of this policy?

C) You are the new Commissioner and can create a new drug testing (PED’s) policy?

Explain what your policy would be.

D) How would the union feel about this?

Writing Homework Help

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