Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Ghana Nelson Mandela Speech at Rivonia Trial at Defendants Dock Analysis

Famous Persuasive Speech Analysis Assignment

Select and read/watch a famous persuasive speech in history. DO NOT SELECT I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Write a 2-page analysis of the talk.

Type in Word – Calibri font, double spaced, formal tone. Use the writing prompts below to develop your paper.

Writing Prompts:

What was the speaker’s topic and position of the speech?

How did the speaker engage the audience and introduce the topic?

What organizational technique was used for the speech?

What points were used to support the speaker’s position?

What persuasive techniques were used to reach the audience?

How did the speaker conclude the speech?

Do you think the speaker was successful in persuading his/her audience?

Would you have been persuaded?

Writing Homework Help

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