Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Case Study #1: Reaching Audiences through Social Media (READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY)

The purpose of the assignment is to create a case study of how organizations are using social media to connect with their audiences (customers, clients, shareholders, nonprofit donors, citizens, taxpayers, etc.)

Step 1: Decide on one (1) sector (for-profit business in U.S. or Global, nonprofits, or government) as the focus for your case study. Choose three (3) different organizations within your sector to study. Below are links to find companies by sector.

Step 2: Visit the websites of the 3 different organizations you have selected.

Step 3:From the data you’ve collected, write a 3-4 page (double spaced) analysis paper as follows. Use the titles provided as section subheadings for your paper.

  • All good papers should have a title. It should be descriptive for the reader, not simply “Paper #1.” (5 points)
  • Introduction(1 paragraph). Provide an introduction to the paper. Cite the sector you studied and the 3 organizations you chose to examine for the case study. (10 points).
  • Summary (1-2 paragraphs for each of your 3 organizations). Summarize your findings for the 3 websites you examined. What social media platforms are being used? Click on each of the social media links and describe what is being posted. How often does the organization post? What are the topics? How many followers does the organization have for each platform? Do followers respond, retweet, and/or like the posts? What do you believe each organization is trying to achieve through their use of social media? Use specific examples in your discussion. (25 points)
  • Compare and Contrast (2-3 paragraphs). Compare the 3 organizations and how each uses social media. What are the similarities and differences between the organizations? Use specific examples in your discussion. (25 pts)
  • Analysis (2-3 paragraphs). In your opinion, which organizations are doing social media well? Would you give advice to any of the organizations to improve their social media? Again, use specific examples in your discussion to support your analysis. (25 pts)
  • Conclusion (1 paragraph). Summarize your key findings. State what you learned from this assignment. (10 points)

NOTE: This is a professional communication course. All papers should be carefully proofread for grammar, spelling, content, etc. Any paper that does not meet these standards, will be subject to a loss of up to 10 points.

Writing Homework Help

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