Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Proposal Essay – 3 pages

This Assignment has two parts:

Part one I need it in 12 hours.

Part two I need it in 3 days.

Our final essay will the Proposal Essay — an essay in which the writer identifies a problem and proposes a solution, based on research-based grounds.

Note: do no “bite off more than you can chew.” For example: most of us do not have the knowledge base or even the basic understanding to solve the welfare system. Do not attempt to solve a problem that is way above your expertise. Having said that, if you believe that you have a unique perspective on a problem, thus a unique idea for solving it — go for it!.

Please thoroughly read Chapter 11 Reading Chapter 11

  • Identifying a problem you will address
  • Establishing your claim
  • Determining your solution
  • Outlining the advantages of your plan
  • Locating research to support your solution (at least 4 sources — two found via databases)
  • Addressing the feasibility of your solution — unfortunately reality and practicality must come into play here — we are not creating “pie in the sky” proposals.
  • Analyzing a classic proposal for the necessary components.

As you are working through the chapter, pay close attention to page 246, Planning and Drafting as well as page 247 — Checklist for Revision.

Provide for me your plan for your Proposal Essay:

Part one (I need it in 12 hours)

  • Identify the problem you will address
  • What is your claim?
  • What is your solution?
  • What research will you use to support your solution? at least two separate sources you will use and summarize the information from each sources that you will use. (Tell me how you will use the research.)
  • List the advantages of your plan.

Part Two (I need it in 3 days)

Please put your “all” into this last essay. Follow all the tips I have offered you throughout the semester:

  • Have an inviting title that is not the topic
  • Have an interesting introduction — review the techniques we have studied
  • Use strong research from databases
  • Use Reader-based In-text citations
  • Create a Works Cited page for MLA style
  • End with a strong conclusion that convinces me I should care about your proposal
  • Check the Criteria in the table below

Problem/Solution Argument (1)

Problem/Solution Argument (1)




Introduction & Explanation of the Problem.

(Has an interesting introduction that convinces the reader that a problem exists. It might be appropriate to explain the cause of the problem.)

30.0 pts

Explanation of the Solution

(Explains the solution or solutions and the process involved)

30.0 pts

Evidence in support of the solution

(Offers some outside research support)

40.0 pts

Feasibility & Benefits of the Solution

(Explains the positive results as well as the feasibility of the plan.)

30.0 pts

Opinions that will Oppose your plan

(Be sure to anticipate and discuss what might/will be opposition or roadblocks to your plan.)

30.0 pts


(Reinforces the main point of proposal. Establish a “so what? …. “what is this important”? Discusses what the future ramifications might be if the problem is not addressed.)

30.0 pts


(Follows standard grammar expectations. The essay does not contain 2nd person pronouns or vague pronouns beginning sentences. No sentence fragments or run on sentences.)

30.0 pts


(Follows all MLA formatting — headings, margins, fonts, title.)

5.0 pts


(In text documentation is done correctly and a Works Cited page is included.)

75.0 pts

Total Points: 300.0

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