Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. For this assignment, you will compose annotated bibliography of 3 primary sources and 4 secondary sources that you plan to use in your final project​

this assignment is for the history of Global Feminism, 1850 to Present. ( VERY IMPORTANT ASSIGNMENT FOR ME)

For this assignment, you will compose annotated bibliography of 3 primary sources and 4
secondary sources that you plan to use in your final project. ( this assignment is going to be about the final project which is due later and should be written for 12 pages. before this assignment ( annotated bibliography) , I was asked to do a project proposal and brief primary source analysis that i’m going to attach that one as well. I’m saying all these information to show you that this assignment is very important for me).

Please make sure to read the Final Project Proposal with Primary Source Analysis so get some ideas for this assignment

I have attached the guideline to do the annotated bibliography ( YOU MUST READ THIS IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT), and also I have attached the final project proposal so you get the ideas.

Writing Homework Help

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