Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Capstone case analysis: Delta Airlines

Analyze Delta airlines case in DETAILS:

A well-written case analysis is characterized by clear organization of information, thoughtful analysis, and realistic, workable solutions to the problems presented in the case. Make sure that your analysis is not merely a rehash of the case: do not copy sections from the case.

things to consider along with other questions:

1. Corporate strategy and business (or competitive)strategy

What have been the key elements of the company’s corporate strategy up until the time of the case? What is the company’s business strategy? What role does corporate culture play in the implementation of the company’s strategies?

2. Industry analysis
Define the industry to which the company belongs. Using Porter’s five forces model, analyze the competitive forces in this industry. Discuss those factors or problems which are most important for this industry and why they are important.

3. Company situation analysis

Make lists of internal strengths, internal weaknesses, external opportunities, and external threats. Be sure to include analysis of financial information in examining the company’s internal capabilities. Based on your analysis, summarize the major strategic issues facing the company and industry.

4. Recommendations

Select and describe a strategy for this company. Your strategy recommendations should be justified in terms of how well they deal with environmental threats, take advantage of opportunities, minimize internal weaknesses, and utilize the organization’s competitive strengths.

More details about what to cover in the case analysis is attached.

Attached is:

– The Case itself

– Instructions

-How to analyze a case slides

– How to analyze financial ratios

-an example of answering questions

Please message me if you need more explanation.



1. Use facts and inferences to identify problems or weaknesses and to assess their importance. Search for the underlying causes of the problem.

2. Perform a financial analysis, including analyzing ratios to a) evaluate profits in relation to sales and assets, b) appraise the capital structure, and, c) determine the firm’s ability to raise additional capital.

3. In reviewing the firm’s strategies and tactics, ask why actions were taken. The key to any analysis is WHY.

4. List several alternative solutions or strategies. Consider the implications of foreign competition, foreign sources of supply, and the firm’s position in world markets. Make the best choice for the circumstances.

5. Recommend processes and procedures to implement the proposed solution by showing how it will work, how it will be paid for, and who will be affected. In other words, the solution must be financially, physically, and humanly possible.

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