Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. writing essay -yutong

This is a revision essay, need to add 300 words more for this essay and also, please help me to revision my essay based on this comment:”

” Overall, you have some interesting material developing in this draft, but on the whole, I could not understand the argument you were developing or how the ideas you presented in your paragraphs related to the food justice problems in Eugene. One thing that may help to clarify the argument that you’re developing here is to identify a specific food justice-related problem or set of problems that you see occurring within Eugene or some other local food system that you are familiar with and can speak to with some level of authority based on your personal experience. If you wish, you can write about your home town.
By establishing a specific problem or set of problems, you can use the theoretical and/or abstract ideas that you are developing and addressing in this draft to explain what should be done to fix the problems that you see taking place in Eugene. In other words, I’m suggesting that you use the ideas you’ve developed in this draft as a critical framework by which you will analyze a set of localized problems that you see in Eugene or some other local food system.”

Mechanical, Formatting, and Submission Requirements

  • Meets the 1,500 word minimum (excluding the Works Cited page); there’s no maximum page limit, but please try to keep your essay around 2,000 words or less if possible.
  • Uses formal academic prose
  • Adheres to the requirements of Standard Edited American English, MLA documentation style, and formatting guidelines stated in the syllabus
  • Includes parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page that lists the texts you cite in your essay

Writing Homework Help

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