Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. I need someone to write a 2000 word casual argument on how congress needs to instate legislation for tracking and monitoring cyberbullying.

2500-3000 Word Essay

Rough draft due to the Online Writing Center no later than 6/12/2019

Need a rough draft done by tonight. The final draft is due next Tuesday.

5-6 soucres (four have been provided for you)

The Research Argument Assignment is an expansion of your Position
Essay (the first essay). In the Position Essay, you collected and presented
your own thoughts and opinions on an issue (with some light research where
appropriate). Here, you are expected to take your initial argument and
reasoning and further develop those ideas through—you guessed it—
research. This process involves familiarizing yourself with the works of
experts (on the page, in cyberspace, and/or in the flesh through personal
interviews) to build upon what you already know. It also involves being
open to having your position shift as you encounter new information.
Regardless whether your position remains the same (the broader topic
should remain the same), the idea is to use relevant information—facts
and/or opinions—from these expert sources to support your own argument.
The research should provide academic context and credibility to the insights
generated from your own experience, observation, and/or logic. It’s not a
matter of what published experts say—it’s how effectively you use what
the experts have to say to advance your own purposes. Ultimately, you
must use a minimum of 5-6 sources to help produce an extended argument
between 2500 and 3000 words.

Writing Homework Help

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