Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. you will answer 1 history essay questions, and answer should be 1 typed page (No more & No less)

-1.5 space (not double spaced)

-the answer should be 3 paragraphs all together:

a brief (few sentence) opening paragraph,

1 big paragraph (the bulk of the response/answer to the

& a brief (few sentence) concluding paragraph

-the text of your answer alone must
be 1 page in length (no more/no less),

rewriting the question/your name/date/id# etc which do not count
towards that 1-page total

-you can only use information from the video(https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1870&v=1iUuq5EVXp0&feature=emb_logo), and use the attached PDF as the primary sources.

NO other
outside sources of information are allowed

Question: Use at least two primary sources that were assigned for the class and the presentation “Globalization in World History” to support your argument and answer the questions. How did ‘Globalization’ occur throughout early world history? What were two important changes to societies, processes, and/or human actions that increased interconnections between societies in Afro-Eurasia and America? (Do Not Forget to Give Citations)

Writing Homework Help

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